Vintage Gold Serpent Bracelet, 1960s, Italy

Italian 18k Gold Snake Bracelet. The 3/8" flexible bangle ( 1" at widest part) made up polished gold scalloped "snakeskin" terminated in two chased heads with ruby eyes. The snake bracelet, popular in ancient Ancient Greece for healing and protection, in Ancient China for longevity, The Celts ,a symbol of secret knowledge, The Victorians.. everlasting love. The list goes on. In other words, always beloved, always appropriate and always magical. This style, appearing as early as the 1890's continued to thrive throughout the 20th century. Made popular in the 30's, the mesh style bracelet continued to be revamped and revised for every generation. We believe this bracelet dates from the early 1960's. During that time the film "Cleopatra" staring Elizabeth Taylor created a frenzy for all things Egyptian, and the snake bracelet was the top of the list. Easy to put on, simply slide over the hand. L'amour Glamour

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